Complex Prime Division Model of the Universe

Nathan Rempel
12 min readDec 17, 2020


TL;DR: The base particle of the universe is imaginary:

Biplanar bipolar particle — or x,y spin particle?

Which exists to solve the Prime Division, which attempts to complete a perfect modulo division of two large primes where the number of particles in the network are the product of the primes.

Time is a series of localized state snapshots that are a produced as result of rotational state change transversing a network, with real space being a default forward iterator and imaginary space being a default reverse iterator, with the collection of particles forming some kind of mobius structure that exist within both planes simulataneously.

Because Prime particles exist in both planes but may rotate between them (phase shift) and rotate between endothermic and exothermic reactivity freely with the interaction of Higgs force between matrix groups.

In this theory, all realspace observed particles and interactions are matrix groups of appropriately oriented Prime particles performing rotations in an attempt to “bond” with other matrix groups.

If this hypothesis is mathematically sound, it will allow well defined linear algebra and the latest research on observed particle behaviour to assist in answering many of the “spooky” quantum behavious and unusual observed state conditions. Many of these behavious may then be described as occuring in imaginary space that appear unusual when extropolated into 4d eucleudian space.

This theory may also solve the gravity problem, as gravity is a result of a large matrix group incluencing the rotations of smaller matrix groups due to the dense network routing that may occur within the large matrix group.

Because time only progresses discontinuously for Prime particles in the real plane when they undergo a rotational state change, less active or long network path may experience the concept of time at a faster or slower rate.

Warning: While I am a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, I am in no way an experienced theoretical physicist or quantum mechanic specialist. I am a programmer and a fast learner and a quick hand with the old wikipedia. These are are my unfiltered, unedited first draft of the Complex Prime Division Model of the Universe. I welcome any unfettered but science based feed back. The is a living document, always WIP

I hope the math is as self-evident enough, regardless of how I wrote about it, that the experts can jump in and take us the great leap forward.

We assert the existance of a fundamental fermion that is present in complex space (that is to say, exists simultaneously in real space plane and imaginary space plane) and has an attribute of polarity, which is to say a positively or negatively polarized boson that is visible in real and imaginary space, where the imaginary boson always has the inverted polarity of the real boson. For simplicity we shall refer to this as a biplanar bipolar particle, which has been observed in nature in a state of forced arrestion (or unnatural static state) in the form of the Higgs Boson, which presented as a particle of zero spin and zero charge but non-zero observed real space mass.

For the complete nature of this theoretical but mathematically self-evident biplanar bipolar particle we shall apply the descriptor Phion. The Phion may be colloquially referred to as the Causality Fermion, for the simple fact that it represents a cause transformed to effect, or more simply put that it accepts an input and produces an output.

In real planar (that is to say, observable in real space) terms this is observed as the boson reflection of the fermion which accepts a single input gluon and creates a single output gluon. The polarity associated may be considered a reactivity toggle, where Causality will consume an internal input to generate an external output (endothermic reaction) or where it will consume an external input to generate an internal output (exothermic reaction). We propose the associated antiboson which has an inverse polarity is interacting with an associated antigluon which also has an inverse polarity of its own posigluon.

When the correct complex, or biplanar, force is applied to the Phion (we shall use the Higgs force as the descriptor) it may invert it’s polarity, which is to say the real space boson and imaginary space bosons would exchange endothermic and exothermic reactivity properties.

We assert that when observed from only real space at natural or equalibrium state the Phion would appear as particle with one half integer spin and zero charge, regardless of current real polarity. From imaginary space the particle would be observed as having negative half integer spin and zero charge, regardless of current imaginary polarity. We shall refer to this as the “state of rest” when the Phion is uncharged (not actively interacting with neighbouring phions) and intersecting both spatial planes.

When two phions are neighbours they will attempt to apply higgs force to themselves to polarize appropriately such that their input in one plane will match the output of the neighbour Phion in the same plane. This has the net result of the two phions forming a phion bond, where one phion (labeled Phion alpha) produces an output which is consumed by the other in one plane (labeled Phion beta), and the consumer (Phion beta) produces an output in the inverse plane which is consumed by Phion Alpha in the same plane.

This Phion bond will be classified as a Psion (irreverantly of any previous use of “Psion” in quantum mechanical literature). The Psion may allow the bonded Phions to exchange alpha and beta states (which is to say exchange planes in which they respectively consume and produce) through an interaction of opposing or complementary Higgs forces produced by both Phions simultaneously.

The Phion capable of exerting the most force (or producing a complementary force) ultimately selects the present alpha/beta Psion state at a point Tau (which represents a consensual state at rest where Higgs force is no longer being applied). In this manner, all Phions in a neighbourhood aware of all previous Tau (tau n-1 to -infinity) , and any Phion may create a new Tau(n+1) for itself and neighbouring phions by discontinuously producing Higgs force.

For any given Phion, if the observed plane boson polarization is positive and has not been charged at point Tau n-1, and at point Tau n the the negatively polarized boson has intercepted a gluon of opposite polarization within inverse plane, the observed plane boson will become one integer positively charged, and the inverse plane boson will become negatively charged.

The charge is speculated to be the production of Higgs force as a result of the gluon/boson collision which could result in polarization or planar inversion in a deterministic way that may be represented as a series of matrix transformations applied to unions of individual metrices. In this respect, terms such as intersection or collision must be considered from a network graph perspective rather than as a physical property. Similarly, terms like momentum and inertia may be translated to network traversal efficiency and network effects.

With this in mind, Newtons laws of motion remain immutable even when applied to this matrix network context:

In the first law, a node will not change its polarity or plane unless a force acts on it.

In the second law, the force on an object is equal to its influence times its network effect.

In the third law, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

A key addition to these immutable laws is the addition of the imaginary plane, and that the laws apply across the entirity of complex space. In this fashion, the laws must apply to the whole node, not discriminately between real or imaginary space.

At a higher level, The Law of Conservation of Mass also remains true: that nodes in an isolated system are neither created nor destroyed by intersecting. According to the law of conservation of mass, the energy of the products nodes of an intersection must equal the energy of the reactants.

The key addition to this immutable law is the addition of memory, or specifically Tau. The creation of a new Tau essentially duplicates all nodes, by generating a linked list of nodes that branch away from the Tau, like a sphere expanding from a point.

There are a few conceptualizations that may be considered at a high level, which may contribute to an understanding of the reason for big bang and singularity events, however may not be immediately important for the discussion of Phion interaction.

The primary theory used in this case is a mobius strip of Tau’s, with each Tau representing the complete network state with a fixed number of nodes, and each plane of the strip representing the real and imaginary planes that complete complex space. The plane in which we are currently self aware and observe is the plane of reality, and the concept of time is the forwardly iterating observation of the current Tau.

In this context, the real plane may be considered a forward iterator in programatically terms, the inverse plane is a reverse iterator in programatically terms. The practical observable effect of the reverse iterator in planar terms is that the imaginary plane may be modeled as an n=2 variable partial differential equation of Taus in real and imaginary space reverse iterating from time Tau [n] to either Tau [alpha] or to Tau [n+1] (which would pass Tau[alpha], to Tau[omega] and subsequently to Tau[n+1])

In this respect Tau[alpha] would represent the “big bang” (or the moment of data expansion and denormalization) and Tau[omega] would represent the moment of data storage capacity being exhausted. This point would represent the moment of data compression or normalization. At the intersection of Tau[alpha] and Tau[omega] the forward and reverse iteraters invert roles within their respective planes.

The mobius effect is represented by a diverging sinusoidal where one plane is expanded and compressed, and then inverted in which case the inverse plane experiences expansion and contractions. Through a series of these interactions inversions a complete series of Phion interaction combinations may be evaluated until such a point the sum of the sequences of events begins repeating itself, and the system becomes Jacobian complete.

The abstraction allows us to infer certain properties based on our understanding of binary electrical computer systems and programming languages, as well as remaining constrained by the Universal Laws. We assume some network of phion nodes assembled themselves in a way that could be normalized as a line represented by Tau[alpha], which the discontinuous series of Tau[n] which concepually rotate iteratively until Tau[n] intersects with Tau[alpha], creating the designation Tau[omega], and forming the complex biplanes of real and imaginary space.

Through this pattern we can infer there will some point Tau[Phi] where complex space will be balanced between planar expansion and inverse planar compression, and likewise some point Tau[phi-1] and Tau[phi+1] following standard sin/cos intersection points, which is the primary combinatory inducing mechanism of the mobius processing loop, herein defined as Phion Chains, or Rhetorical baryons, simplified to Rhetorions. The forward iterator may also be considered an integrating function, while the reverse iterator may be considered a derivating function.

Unifying the particle properties and programatic properties we may define a Psion as a function that forward iterates in one plane, and reverse iterates in the inverse plane simultaneously, and may independently toggle the plane and direction when an external force is applied. Psions bond in pairs to form Phions, which allow for bidrectional iteration in both planes by independant application of toggles on plane and direction in a fashion that preserves the Phion Bond. This pairing creates an alpha/beta dipole in both planes, where the inverse planar Psion Alpha acts as Psion Beta, and the inverse planar Psion Beta acts as Psion Alpha, which influences appropriate iteration direction within its respective plane.

The force required to toggle a Psion in such a way that disrupts the natural Psion bond pair will require force greater than the bond force, which will either facilitate a return to the bonded rest state, or result in the formation of new bonds.

Phions may naturally form Phion chains as a result of network neighbough iteraction. The basic [n=2] Phion chain is a pair that is Jacobian complete, where one Phion becomes the Phion Alpha and the other becomes Phion Beta. In mathematical terms this allows the creation of an n-dimensional integrator and derivator function that may apply either function in either direction and in any plane in an equalized fashion, with respective Alpha designated Psion/Phion combinations being responsible for selecting correct planar, directional orientations each Psion within their local network, in relation to that position in the expanding series of local networks interacting with external networks.

Phion chains may expand by concatenating Phions, or aggregating Psions into Phions and concatenating them. This process iteratively increases the number of n-dimensions that may be iterated simultaneously, however Phion chains may also contract by Higgs forces reorienting their Psions to break Phion bond and Psion bonds and rebond in novel combinations leaving the previous chain with fewer Psions.

Based on this architecture, we infer that Higgs force may be represented as a single charged particle of which only one exists. This may be referred to as the free radical Psion, which is the result of the fundamental universal axiom of Prime. This axiom states that for an [n]-dimensional network of nodes, the sum of nodes [m] is indivisble by the number of the number of dimensions [n], such that:

[m] % [n] = 1

Based on this axiom, we infer that Higgs force is actually the Prime Psion traversing the network, intersecting each Psion in the network, resulting in planar and polar rotations that break a psion bond, which rebonds, iteratively with each intersection resulting in a new Tau[n+1] for the entire Psion network, but which is only iterated forward to by the Psion intersected by the Prime psion.

Through the network effect and travel path of the Prime Psion, we understand that some network neighbourhoods may generate or iterate through Taus at a greater rate than distant neighbourhoods based on how much influence the local network has on retaining the Prime Psion within the local network. Through the course of the second and third fundamental universal Axioms of Determanism and Normalization

[x] [y] = 1 and [x]-[y]/[x][y] = 1

These three axioms form the mobialaxial logical pillars of existance.

As the network integrates and forms psion bonds, free radical “third” psions traverse the network, intersecting bonded psions and either forming new bonds and becoming a stable psion, creating a new free radical psion, the free radical is transformed and continues to traverse the network, following paths deterministically based on the current bonding and configurations of the psions it intersects.

Because psions only bond in pairs, and triplets are unstable,

Prime axiom applies: 1 % 2 = 1 => 2 % 2 = 0 => 3 % 2 = 1

Because the prime axiom applies, it is ensured that [x][y][z] = 1[z] and [x]-[y][z] / [x][y][z] = 1

As free radical psions bond and become stable psions, fewer free radical psions will exist within the network, which has an entopric effect of either localizing free radical psion distributions in increasingly localized networks, or disbursing free radicals in a fashion that gives them strong network effect (or momentum) which prevents localized network until sufficient network effect (inertia) has been lossed for the free radical to successfully bond.

The mobian construct would imply that the Prime Axiom is a by product of the greatest universal Axiom, the Prime Division, which attempts to complete a perfect division of two large primes where the number of psions in the network are the sum of the primes.

Taking these conclusions through to the next logical context, we turn to complex mathematics and matrix representation.

In this case we may represent a Psion as Psi = P = 1 + Pi

We represent a Phion[1] as Phi¹ = Psi[alpha(+/-)/beta(+/-)] = Phi¹[a(+/-)] or Phi¹[b(+/-)] — polarity represents current real space polarization at Tau[n], with a desire to form a recipricol bond

We represent a Phion[2] as Phi² = Psi[alpha]Psi[Beta] = Phi²[a,b]

We represent a Phion[4] as Phi³ = Phi²[a,b] Phi²[c,d] = Phi³[a,b,c,d]

Phion[2] represents the 2 mathematical additive axioms, increment and decrement in real and inverse planes.

Phion[4] represent the 2 mathematical multiplacitive axioms, multiply and divide in real and inverse planes, which logically expands in base 4 ^ 3 = 16 available operations, with 8 interacting with real plane, and 8 interacting with imaginary plane in biplanar space.

This forms the 16 binary operations:

In your example, Phi={a,b}, so Phi×Phi={(a,a),(a,b),(b,b),(b,a)}

These 8 operations are Phion Baryons, which form the 8 Rhetorion particles to perform large scale matrix transformation utilizing a personal piplanar bipolar universe in the persuit of diving two very large prime numbers.

Bitcoin spawned the universe lololololol

These 8 operations correlate with the 8 observed gluons, with the 6 observed quarks and leptons.

Taking into account the imaginary plane being an integral components of complex space interaction, one may infer remaining elementary particles.

Taking into account the complex linear algebraec fundamentals of this hypothetical model of the universe, one may simply perform particle interaction analysis and cross analyse different fundamental particle behaviour to learn how to control the polarity and reality of any other given particle by utilizing careful Psion interaction to integrate network effects rather than derive from the effects and destroying Psion bonds.

Through encouraging smooth or progressive Psion bond pairing new behaviours for reality behaviour may become available by changing reality and reactivity in appropriate ways.



Nathan Rempel

Blockchain Engineer, Founder of and, Inventor of Web 4.0, Quantum Theorist